The Mico University College

The following policies/regulations are designed for the general well being of all members of the University College community. They seek to inform students of expected behaviours, describe prohibited conduct and state the disciplinary procedures and sanctions applicable in order to ensure that the rights of all students are respected and protected.

The Students’ Code of Conduct is in effect both on and off campus when students are in attendance at a function sponsored by the University College, alumni or other groups. These functions include but are not restricted to the following: dances, social events, club activities, athletic events, practicum, trips or other University College related experiences. This code of conduct is also applicable when students are in and around the wider community.

Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of morality, integrity, orderliness and personal honour befitting a teacher in training. Therefore, they are expected to conduct themselves lawfully, maturely and responsibly. A responsibility of those in the University College community is to follow established rules and guidelines in order for the community to function more efficiently. The Mico University College views each person as an individual with certain responsibilities to the University College community and reserves the right to refuse admittance or dismiss any student whose behaviour and lifestyle are not consistent with the goals of The Mico University College.

When students respect the rights of others to engage in educational, social and recreational activities without interference; obey the University College’s regulations as well as the laws of the country; safeguard others from being harassed or subject to physical harm, then a healthy, safe and productive environment will be created.

The Mico University College, as a community of men and women, is committed to furthering scholarship, academic pursuits, and dedicated service to our society. As an institution, our purpose is to assure all students an equal opportunity to fulfil his/her intellectual potential through pursuit of the highest standards of academic excellence.

Certain rights and obligations accrue from membership in any academic community committed to goals such as:

  • The rights of personal and intellectual freedom which are fundamental to the idea of a university college
  • A deep and abiding respect for the equal rights and dignity of others
  • Dedication to the scholarly and educational purposes of the University College
  • Participation in promoting and assuring the academic quality and credibility of the institution.


Students are responsible for obtaining, learning, and observing the established University College policies as listed in all official publications. In addition, students must comply with the legal and ethical standards of the institution. All members of the community should inform the appropriate official of any violation of conduct regulations.

The University College reserves the right to request at any time the withdrawal of a student who cannot or does not maintain the required standard of scholarship, or whose continuance in the institution would be detrimental to his/her health, or the health of others, or whose conduct is considered unsatisfactory by the authorities of the University College.

Conduct Standards

Students should not interfere with the rights, safety, or health of members of the University College community nor interfere with other students’ right to learn. Students are expected to abide by all University College rules and regulations and all national laws. Violations of conduct standards include, but are not limited.

Alcohol & Drugs

The Mico University College, as an institution of higher education, is dedicated to the well being of all members of the University College community – students, all categories of staff, and administrators. Because of its concern regarding the misuse of alcohol and other drugs (both licit and illicit), it is the policy of the University College to endeavour to prevent substance abuse through programmes of education and prevention.

The University College recognizes that the possession and/or use of certain substances are illegal, and the University College is obligated to comply with local and international laws. Members of the University College community who engage in any illegal activity involving alcohol or other drugs are subject to dismissal.


Possession, transfer, manufacturing, distribution, sale or use of drugs, narcotics or other controlled substances and paraphernalia which are illegal under the laws of Jamaica and abuse of prescription medication are all prohibited. Only those medications taken under doctor’s supervision are allowed in campus housing or other property owned or operated by the University College.

Alcoholic Beverages

Possession, consumption and/or distribution of alcoholic beverages, in any form, in and about University College grounds, instructional buildings, resident halls, and athletic facilities or at any University College’s approved activity on or off campus are strictly prohibited. It is illegal to include any form of drinking contest at social functions. Students under the age of 21 may not have alcohol in their possession.

Disruptive Behaviour

Members of the University College community have a right to lawful freedom of movement, the lawful use of property, facilities and parts of the University College. Violations of these rights with intent by: physically hindering persons from entering or leaving or using the facilities; remaining in any building after being told to leave (e.g. during General Assembly); the playing of loud music while classes are in session; interfering with University College officials or lecturers in carrying out their lawful business are prohibited.

Students may not disrupt the orderly processes of the University College involving teaching, administration, disciplinary proceedings or other activities. Students involved in any of these activities will be subject to disciplinary action.

Non-Compliance with University College Staff

Students are required to comply with reasonable directives or requests from members of staff acting in the performance of their duties.

Possession or Use of Firearms & Dangerous Weapons

Firearms, illegal knives, explosives, chemicals or devices to start fires, bomb making materials must not be kept by students on property owned or operated by the University College. With special authorization, members of the Police Force or Army or security company who carry firearms to carry out their duties will be allowed to do so. These should not be discharged except in the carrying out of their duties.


Smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products is not allowed inside any buildings owned or operated by the University College.

Lewd or Indecent Conduct

Behaviours which are defined by the laws of Jamaica as being lewd and indecent are prohibited in and around property owned and/or operated by the University College.


Theft of property owned by the University College or of the property of others on the University College’s property is prohibited.

Vandalism & Abuse/Misuse of University College Property

Abuse of property may include damaging, destroying misusing buildings, equipment, grounds and other resources, belonging to the University College. This is prohibited.

Physical Assault/Battery

Threatening, fighting, intimidating, demeaning or insulting behaviour, physically abusing another person or holding him/her against his/her will is prohibited both on and off the University College’s campus.


Gambling may be defined as any unsanctioned game of chance where currency, property, and/or service are exchanged. Gambling, including taking or placing of bets or payoffs is prohibited.

Forgery & Unauthorized Duplication

The forgery, alteration or unauthorized possession or use of official documents, records, and instruments of identification, misrepresentation, or counterfeiting is prohibited. This also includes the duplication of University College keys.

Acceptable Use of Computer/Electronic Networks

Access to and use of The Mico University College computing and electronic resources are privileges granted to students, staff, and faculty for academic, research, operational and administrative purposes. This privilege carries many obligations. Users are expected to use these resources in an efficient, appropriate, ethical and lawful manner that supports the mission of the institution.

Persons found to have used University College owned and operated computer systems and networks for unauthorized purposes are subject to discipline up to and including dismissal/expulsion and/or any other action in accordance with University College policies.

Some examples of unauthorized use/ misuse are:

  • Attempting to circumvent/bypass security facilities on any system or network.
  • Placing any destructive or nuisance programmes such as viruses or worms into a system or network.
  • Sending fraudulent, harassing, threatening or obscene messages.
  • Intentionally accessing or collecting, or sending pornography or other material inappropriate to a public workplace except when such collection is necessary for an approved research project.
  • Unauthorized use of the University College’s name and logo.
  • Transmitting advertisements, solicitations or promotion for any other commercial purpose not authorized by the administration.
  • Create, store, process or transmit any defamatory material or material which is designed or likely to cause annoyance, harassment, inconvenience or needless anxiety to others.
  • Using or accessing another person’s system, user ID, password, files, email or other data without that person’s permission or authorized by the Vice President of Administration.
  • Using the system to excess in non-University College related activities, for example sending chain mail or mass unsolicited mail.
  • Using the systems or networks for personal financial gain, excluding outside professional activity.
  • Unauthorized uploading of information bearing the University College’s name or logo to the internet.


Any computer identified as a security risk due to lack of virus protection may be disconnected from the network.


Persons found to have used University College owned and operated computer systems and networks for unauthorized purposes are subject to discipline up to and including dismissal/expulsion and/or any other action that the institution may devise. In case of financial loss to the University College, restitution may be sought.

Harassment/Verbal Abuse of Others

Harassment includes conduct that is intended to unreasonably interfere with a person’s life at The Mico University College. This includes, but is not limited to, intimidation, threats, slurs, derogatory graffiti, internet postings, or any conduct which endangers the health, safety or well-being of an individual or group.

Sexual Harassment/Stalking

Sexual harassment consists of any unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favours and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This includes, but is not limited to, submission to, or rejection of, such conduct that is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of academic decisions affecting a student; conduct that affects or interferes with a student’s work or academic performance; conduct that is considered a condition for employment or that creates a hostile or intimidating work or academic environment.

Rape/Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is any sexual contact or activity with a person that occurs without that person’s consent. Consent is not implied or effective when there is a threat of physical or emotional harm. If the person is unable to give consent because s/he is asleep or unconscious it is still considered sexual assault.


The Mico University College prohibits any activity that may be construed as hazing or ragging. Hazing/ragging is defined as: any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, causes physical discomfort, embarrassment, ridicule for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization operating under the sanction of a university. Such conduct includes but is not limited to whipping, beating, branding, forced exercise, exposure to weather, forced consumption of food, liquor, beverage or drugs or any forced activity that humiliates, abuses, degrades or endangers the health and safety of other students.

Personal Development

The Mico University College has an obligation to produce well-rounded individuals, who will be able to train minds and shape lives. Therefore, in addition to being good models of speech, dress and conduct, students must be aware of current affairs, and where possible, participate in things of national import.

Consequently, The Mico University College must provide structured opportunities for discussions in open fora, and visits to places of educational interest.

Dress Code

“I promise that my appearance and conduct outside, as well as inside the University College precincts will be such as will enhance the highest traditions of The Mico.”

The Mico University College prides itself in setting high standards in dress, deportment and good conduct. Appearance is an important part of the process. We take very seriously the old adage “First impressions are lasting.” Our standards of dress are designed to promote professional growth as well as discipline. We believe that proper and appropriate dress enhances performance in both the professional world as well as the educational environment.

Dress Code - Male Students

For attendance at classes and within the general vicinity of the College:

  • Well laundered dark pants with shirt and tie or shirt jack.
  • Clean shoes and socks.
  • No earrings.
  • No bleached skin.
  • Pants must be worn at the waist (not below the hips).
  • No tight-fitting pants or shirt.
  • No slippers.

Dress Code - Female Students

For attendance at classes and within the general vicinity of the College:

  • Well laundered knee-length uniforms.
  • Shoes (no slippers).
  • No large earrings.
  • No long earrings.
  • Only one pair of earrings at a time.
  • No figure-hugging or revealing clothing.
  • No bleached skin.
  • No bleached or brightly coloured hair.
  • No brightly coloured nails.
  • Nails should be of moderate length.

Disciplinary Measures

Once it is determined that the accused student has committed conduct which is inappropriate or prohibited, appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken. This could include:

  • Reprimand: Notice of violation of specified regulations and warning that further conduct of that sort may result in a more severe disciplinary action.
  • Disciplinary Restrictions: Limiting of certain privileges or practices of the person(s) involved in the offense.
  • Fines: Fines may be imposed depending on the severity of the infraction.
  • Probation: The University College reserves the right to impose conditions and/or restrictions on the person(s) involved, with warning of more severe action if further infractions occur (or if probation is violated).
  • Suspension: Separation from the University College for a specified period of time. This suspension will appear on the student’s transcript. During suspension the student will be barred from the University College premises and will not be allowed to participate in any University College sponsored activity.
  • Expulsion: Immediate, permanent expulsion from the University College.


Restitution, public/community service, counselling or other assessments may also be required in certain circumstances.


Students have the right of appeal against any sanction applied by the officers of the University College. In all cases, due process must be carried out. Students must follow the procedures laid out for dealing with such issues.

Student Grievance Procedure

The Mico University College is committed to ensuring that students are provided with a high quality educational experience, supported by appropriate academic, administrative and welfare services and facilities. However there may be occasions when students will feel that they have cause for complaint. In these circumstances, students should first attempt to resolve the problem by talking directly with the employee involved.

The University College will seek to ensure that all complaints from students are treated seriously and are dealt with promptly and with fairness.

The majority of complaints can usually be resolved satisfactorily on an informal basis. The complaint should first be discussed with the individual either orally or in writing stating the remedy being sought. However, the University College recognizes that it is not always possible for students to resolve a problem by direct discussion with the University College employee. In these cases, the options available to students include making an informal complaint to the head of his/her department and/or filing a formal written complaint in accordance with existing University College policies.

Formal Complaints & Grievances

Students who wish to file a formal complaint must do so in writing. Formal complaints or grievances made by students fall into these categories:

  • Grievance against a faculty member or administrator
  • Sexual Harassment: this pertains to any charge of sexual harassment against any University College staff.


If a student has a grievance concerning administrative action, or concerning a member of the faculty or staff, the student should make a complaint in writing within 15 days from the date of the action taken against him/her.

The written grievance report should contain a short and concise statement of all relevant facts and the relief sought. This report should be submitted to the University Registrar and copied to the Vice Presidents.

Upon receipt of a written grievance complaint, the student will be asked to provide proof supporting the complaint. A request for a response with supporting evidence from the party against whom the complaint has been filed will be made. An administrative review panel will review the grievance and evidence to determine whether the grievance presents a complaint upon which action should be taken. If the grievance is found to have no basis, to be insubstantial, or wholly a question of academic discretion, the grievance shall be dismissed without further action. The student will be advised in writing as to whether the grievance was dismissed, or additional action will be taken.

If the review panel decides that further inquiry should be made, then the following actions will be taken:

  • Informal Resolution Procedure: The University Registrar and his/her panel may informally meet with all parties and try to resolve the issues raised.
  • Formal Resolution Procedure: If the panel is unable to informally resolve the issue, then a Grievance Committee will be convened to make a final determination of the issue.


The Grievance Committee shall consist of three members. Two members shall be taken from an alumni list and will be chosen by rotation sequence and availability from a resource panel of alumni who have consented to serve as impartial arbitrators. The third member will be a faculty member or administrator of The Mico University College. The third member will have no immediate knowledge of the facts of the dispute.

The parties will attend the grievance hearing before the panel at which time both parties shall submit their evidence and arguments concerning the matter. The parties shall be notified in writing of the time, date and place of the hearing. All hearings shall be conducted on the campus during normal working hours. There will be no meeting of the Grievance Committee unless an active appeal has been filed in accordance with this procedure.


The Grievance Committee hearing shall be subject to the following procedures:

  • The Committee shall have no right to modify, add to, or subtract from this grievance procedure.
  • A majority vote of the Committee shall be determinative.
  • The Committee shall render its decision in writing on forms provided. The Committee shall be obliged to render a decision within fourteen calendar days following the close of the hearing.
  • The decision of the Committee shall be final and binding. Any student filing a grievance shall be notified of the Committee’s decision by certified mail to his or her last official address.

Official University College Functions

Special functions are an integral part of the University College programme. All students are required to attend and participate in these functions. As a training institution, the University College, through its functions, provides opportunities for students to learn both from observing procedures and through direct involvement.

Among the University College functions are:

  • General Assembly (once weekly)
  • Service of Matriculation and Consecration – September
  • Mico Week Activities
  • Annual Founder’s Day Service
  • Valedictory Service
  • Annual Presentation Ceremony




Types of Events & Functions

Formal Functions

In preparing students to function as professionals in all social settings, it is imperative that the University College exposes them to formal gatherings which will provide them the opportunity to grow in this regard. On these occasions students will be required to dress, speak and interact appropriately.


Informal Functions

While the University College recognizes the need for recreational activities, it is important that students understand that their core business is to be trained as professionals and maximum time should be spent studying in an academic environment. All informal functions should be confined to the main campus.


Guild of Students Events

Social activities and events may be held subject to the availability of staff supervision and facilities. At the beginning of the academic year/each semester a list of proposed activities should be presented to the Vice Principal of Administrative Affairs for approval.