The Mico University College

Career Advancement Programme (CAP) & HEART Trust/NTA Programmes

Pre-University Programmes

  • Pre-University Men’s Programme (PUMP)
  • Pre-University Early Childhood Programme
  • Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)
  • Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Education (CAPE)
  • City & Guilds Certification

Associate Degree Programme(s)

  • Occupational Studies (Centre for Occupational Studies – COS)
  • Meat, Poultry & Fish Fabrication
  • Business Processes Outsourcing (BPO)
  • Digital Animation

Short Programmes

  • Professional Orientation into Teaching Certificate
  • General Introduction to Special Education Certificate
  • Professional Certificate in Tour Guiding
  • Study Abroad Jamaican Cultural Heritage Immersion Programme
  • Critical Thinking for Teachers
  • Professional Enhancement Diploma for Specialized Workforce (e.g. Correctional Officers, etc.

Short Courses and Workshops (scheduled at times convenient to participants)

  • Comprehensive Reading
  • Introduction to Geographical Information System (GIS)
  • Spiritual and Moral Development
  • Personal Development
  • The Science & Art of Happiness
  • Public Speaking/Voice and Speech
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Therapy Interventions and Enhancement Skills for Special Needs Individuals
  • Robotics
  • Business Processes Outsourcing
  • Accounting Software Packages
  • Digital Animation
  • STEM/STEAM & PEP Methodologies
  • Events Planning
  • Industrial Technology
  • Gender Specific Instruction
  • Information Technology Integration

Projects & Outreach Services

  • Teacher Professional Empowerment
  • Youth Empowerment
  • Community Upliftment

Programmes Described

These programmes are offered in the weekdays, evenings, weekends, including summers.

Pre-University Programmes

  • Early Childhood Education / Primary Education / Special Education
    This programme caters to untrained early childhood practitioners and persons interested in this field, as well as primary and special education with the view of assisting them to matriculate into the related bachelor’s degree programmes. Based on candidates’ entry qualifications, they may complete the programme in one (1) year or two (2) years. This programme is offered on week days/evenings and Saturdays.

Pre-University Men’s Programme (PUMP)

  • This programme targets adult males to empower them through a one (1) year period of study to matriculate into a bachelor’s degree programme of their choice. This programme seeks to provide meaningful opportunities to males who have completed secondary level of education with three (3) or four (4) CSEC subjects but are experiencing challenges or difficulties in accessing continuing education. The programme aims at developing competencies in literacy, language & communication , numeracy, information technology, technical vocations, social interactions, and personal and civic awareness/pride.

    This programme is offered in the days.


Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)

 These subjects are offered in the weekdays/evenings and Saturdays/Sundays:
  • Mathematics
  • English A (Language)
  • Principles of Business
  • Principles of Accounts
  • Social Studies
  • Information Technology
  • Human & Social Biology
  • Physics
  • Chemistry 

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Education (CAPE)

These subjects are offered in the weekdays/evenings and Saturdays/Sundays:

  • Caribbean Studies
  • Communication Studies
  • Sociology
  • Digital Media
  • Animation & Games Design
  • Physical Education & Sports
  • Management of Business
  • Information Technology
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Computer Science
  • Accounting

Short Programmes

  • Professional Certificate in Tour Guiding
    • This programme is a part time one year certificate programme taught to personnel in the Tourism Industry, other professionals, and those interested in Tour Guiding.


  • Professional Orientation to Teaching
    • This course of study is designed for persons with other qualifications and have interest in learning how to teach in a contextually relevant manner but with an emphasis on andragogical methods and the basic tenets of programme design. This programme is customized to suit participants’ needs. Class schedule is based on participants’ consensus.


  • General Introduction to Special Education Certificate (GISEC)
    • This is a 9 credit programme which targets persons who have at least two (2) years teaching experience, a diploma or an undergraduate/graduate degree in general education or any other degree. Class schedule is based on consensus with participants.


  • Occupational Associate Degree (Centre for Occupational Studies – COS)
    • This is a two year programme scheduled during week days/evenings. The skill areas include Digital Animation; Meat, Poultry & Fish Fabrication; and Business Processes Outsourcing (BPO). Applicants are admitted with Level 2 NCTVET, Career Advancement Programme Certification (CAP) or 3 – 4 CSEC subject passes.


  • Career Advancement Programme (CAP)
    • This skill-based programme is provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth & Information to students aged 16 – 18 years for 1 year. Level 2 NCTVET Customer Engagement, Digital Animation and Commercial Foods Preparation are offered and classes are scheduled weekdays, evenings and Saturdays.